Friday 19 April 2013

Preparations for the Anniversay party at the orphanage

Friday 19th April
Today we had our first casualty.  Judy went down with Delhi Belly and had to stay in her room so it was just Barbara and I who went to the orphanage.  Today they were holding a painting competition.  The children could choose to enter and were given the theme of "My House".  We wondered if this was a bit insensitive for orphans but no one seemed to bat an eyelid.  They had a piece of A3 paper, a pencil and a little pallet with 6 little paint colours and they worked on the floor.

The older girls had a dancing lesson from a nice young man wearing a fake leather/plastic jacket in that heat!  They were practising for tomorrow when they will be performing in the 13th anniversary party of the orphanage.  They were so excited because they would get to wear special costumes.  The boys did not want to dance (quelle surprise!) so I lent them my iPad to play Angry Birds.
The littles ones' classroom was locked because of all the preparations for tomorrow, so they were just wandering around.  I played some sort of rolling a bit of round wood with a few of them.  I have no idea if I was any good at it.

So we had plenty of time to wander ourselves and ask questions.  We were told the stories of some of the children which were truly heart rending.  One little girl was the result of a rape and another little girl and her brother had arrived at the orphanage only last week.  Her parents lived in the hill country and could no longer afford to feed their six children so the orphanage took two.  We asked how a mother could choose which of her children to give up and were told that the orphanage chose them.  So sad.

It was very hot today in the morning so when we got back to the hotel, we went for a snooze and Barbara then came down with BD.  I had a little wander round the Thamel district which is full of touristy shops and bought a face mask as it is very dusty (got a photo but can't post) then sat by the pool and read.  But it looks like I am dining on my own tonight as the other two don't fancy eating.  Hope I don't get whatever they have as we are going on a tour of Kathmandu tomorrow.


  1. Hi Sue, just saw your message on facebook so quickly logged on to read about your latest news. You've not even been there a week and have had so many moving experiences. I think it would be wonderful on your return to come in and do an assembly about their way of life, our children seem to expect so much at times yet don't always see what they have. Yet so often less is more in some ways in other non-materialistic life styles. Anyway enough about that! The good news is I can see the photo of you wearing the garland in the garden...the bad news thats the only photo thats open! Hope you are made of stronger stuff and dont succumb to Delhi Belly...fingers crossed!! Looking forward to the next installment! x

  2. Hi Sue, it is a good job that you don't cry easily. If I was there I would be a total wreck. Your blog is brilliant - keep going.

    I have a funny feeling that you are not getting our comments. If you are then send us a sign!!

  3. Here is your sign. I am reading the comments but obviously still not getting the photos right.
