Saturday 11 May 2013


Only dog to talk about

Saturday 11th May
Well the strike did not materialise again today so we have been told it will be tomorrow.  Saturday is the only non working day of the week so I suppose no one would want to be out throwing stones on their day off.  We are expecting it tomorrow now.  I'm not sure what it's about other than it is the students who are unhappy with the government's policies.  There is a piece of spare land across from the main entrance to the hotel.  When we passed it last week at 6.15am on our way to get the Greenline bus to Chitwan, it was full of young people in judo kit having lessons in the open air.  Makes sense I suppose as it's probably the coolest part of the day but I couldn't see UK children getting up at that time before school.  Some can't even get into school on time.  Anyway it seems that is where the demo will rally.
I had a lazy day, bit of wandering round some less touristy streets and seeing life go on as it has done for literally ages.  Washing the clothes outside, bathing the kids outside, having a gossip with your mates on street corners.  A lot of people had tikkas, coloured marks on their forehead to denote a blessing after worship.  I even found a dog with a tikka.  Its owners were sitting outside their shop and we had a bit of friendly laughing and head waggling.  I used one of my few bits of  Nepali.  "Waahai nam ke ho?" (What is his name? )"Ero",  they said.  "Namaste Ero" I said and took a photo with my iPad.  Gales of laughter when I showed them the photo.
Just back from dinner at Le Sherpa recommended by an acquaintance at the hotel. Beautiful outdoor restaurant, you could have been anywhere in Europe and a nice change from dhal   Went on briefly to disappointing bar recommended by Lonely Planet and then to Sam's Bar with reggae band.  Back at hotel as thunder and sheet lightening have started.  Getting a bit late so will leave the story of ME and the swarthy one until tomorrow.