Monday 22 April 2013

Twinkle twinkle

Apple, yum yum.

We learn what the little ones like to do.

Monday 22nd April
We decided to go into the orphanage a bit later today and to stay later in the afternoon.  The children old enough to go to school come home between 3.30 pm and  Barbara, who was a lecturer in nursing, has been asked to work with the older girls on healthcare as, believe it or not, they are in charge of the orphanage "clinic".  The idea being that they can better look after minor conditions.  Barbara has been horrified at the level of hygiene generally.  Certainly the children's clothes are grubby, even first thing in the morning, and when I took Shiva, a 4 year old boy to the toilet, not only did the smell from the hole in the floor make me gag but there were little balls of poo here and there where someone has missed the hole. So the idea has evolved that Barbara will work with the 13 and 14 year olds on hygiene, I will work with the 8 to 12 year olds on improving their English and learning some English games, and Judy will work with the little ones as she is Montessori trained, or is she?  We are starting to have our doubts.  Barbara and I have run ourselves ragged this morning with the babies, playing roll the dustbin lid, not many toys sadly, singing "The farmer's dog lay on the floor" doing the "Okey Cokey" , guess the animal etc etc, while the "expert" faffed about pinning up pictures of teddy bears.  Honestly, it's only 8.30 pm and I am completely done in.
So, on our way home, as the expert had left early, we called in at the Tour company office to use their free wifi and have a chat with the rep.  Imagine how upset we were to find that the expert had been complaining about us!!!  There was only one thing to do.  We went to the Himalaya Java cafe, had a lovely latte and let off steam, followed by a large G &T back at the hotel. We showered and changed ASAP as Barbara had been peed on by one of the little ones.
The evening was better. At dinner there was a performance by a group of young dancers.  Each dance was different and the dancers wore costumes from different parts of Nepal.  Does anyone remember the episode of An Idiot Abroad where Carl Pilkington went to Mongolia?  One of the outfits was very reminiscent of the day he dressed up for a wrestling match.  Didn't get any photos as I left my iPad in the room on charge.  The boys had drained it playing the Angry Birds game. Today's photos are of the little ones having some slices of apple which we brought in.  They rarely seem to have fruit.  Today's lunch was a bowl of rice with curry flavouring but no meat or vegetables. The other photo is my little friend Asabadhur who is the boy left at the orphanage with his sister. His outfit makes him look as if he is attending the Henley Regatta.

Asabadhur and me

Kamari Devi, the living goddess