Friday 10 May 2013

The butcher"s shop

Chemist shop

Jewellers shop

Book shop

Off licence


Brush shop

Shoe shop

Fast food shop

Potato shop

Veg shop

Dried goods shop

Shirt shop

Water shop, yes they sell water.

Bead shop

Titters and girl pipers

Friday 10th May
I was woken with a start today, by someone knocking on my door urgently.  I was surprised as the three of us had agreed to do our own thing until 3pm when we would meet up for a tour round the Thamel tourist area. My thing was having a bit of a lie in, the first for a month. It was the Montessori Expert asking if she could come in as she was being followed.  I let her in, bleary eyed and opened the curtains.  She was tittering and flapping about and said an Arab was waiting outside her room.  I need to rewind at this point to last night.  There is an international football tournament going on in Nepal this week and a group of referees are staying at the hotel.  They are from various countries themselves and I had a nice chat on the stairs with a ref from Turkmenistan.  He was giving me a few scores but I think he mistook me for someone who gave a damn.  Anyway, earlier the Montessori Expert had gone over to their table and said the only Arabic words she knew, basically hello, as, she said, she found Arab men very attractive.  At dinner therefore, they all came over to our table to engage us in polite conversation.  However the ME was really giving the the swarthy one the come on with extreme amounts of tittering and eye fluttering.  He asked if he could have his photo taken with her, so shared her chair and put his arm round her to much guffawing by his mates.  Barbara and I were dumbstruck.  When they left the ME said he had flashed his room key at her and the tittering became overwhelming.  So, back to this morning.  She claimed he had been following her and was now waiting outside her room.  "Why?" I asked. "Because these Arab men are very hot," she said.  I went out to give him a piece of my mind but the corridor was empty.  Did I mention the ME is 76?
So I did a bit of loafing round the pool and although I thought I had covered myself in top factor sun screen, I obviously missed a bit at the top of my arm which is bright red now.  I won't be coming home with much of a tan I think, as it has really been too hot to stay out in the sun for long.  The pool is lovely but not heated so it's a real shock when you get in.  Leisurely lunch in the garden restaurant which made a lovely change from eating at the orphanage.  Mostly we took a packed lunch in with us as we are on full board but sometimes the didis gave us some of what they had prepared for the children.  Naina gave me a poodi the other day, a sort of puffed up pastry cum bread thing which was deep fried, so when you pulled it apart it was full of cooking oil.  Just the ticket for a lunch in 34 degrees.
 This afternoon we went on our tour and somehow managed to lose the ME.  Perhaps she spotted the swarthy one and collapsed with more tittering.  Barbara has splashed out on an embroidered, cashmere jacket which needed to be altered as she is tiny.  We are killing time at the Himalayan Java until we can pick it up at 6.00pm.  The strike did not materialise today but we have been promised it will be tomorrow.  Meanwhile, as it was Mothers' Day yesterday, we watched a band of girl pipers wearing orange tops and orange tartan kilts go marching past, playing 'For he's a jolly good fellow."  You couldn't make it up!
So the photos are of local shops.  We discovered today that they are located in the same street as in medieval London ie shoe street, veg street, bike street etc.