Thursday 9 May 2013

I keep getting adverts for toilets on Facebook. Was it something I said?

What are you looking at, you cheeky monkey?

Bye bye, namaste

Goodbye to the children

Thursday 9th May
Another hot one.  We were expecting a general strike today but apparently it has been postponed until tomorrow as today is Mothers' Day.  The street sellers are on all the pavements selling flower garlands and bunches of flowers, marigolds being the most popular.  The children did not get a day off which surprised me as they seem to get a day off at the drop of a hat.  Of course there was no electricity again, so I copied out a chart of blood pressure and breathing rates as Barbara is teaching the older girls how to spot potential problems.  I had my blood pressure taken and it was a bit high but normal it seems for my age, so not to worry.
Anyway the strike will be tomorrow and we have been advised not to go out as the locals get very worked up and throw stones, a bit like in the traditional song at the Nepali banquet on the first night.  We heard a car with a loudhailer repeating the word " boli" which we know means tomorrow.  Also there were lots of troops on the street in riot gear with shields and batons and lorries full of them being dropped off at street corners so they are definitely expecting bother.
So we went back into the orphanage this evening to say goodbye to everyone.  We had bought little toys, sweets and other bits and bobs and we made cones out of coloured paper so that it looked an exciting pressie to open.  We called out their names, one by one and they were so excited, even the teenage boys.  Then one little boy came back to me and said "no toy!"  Don't know how that happened so Barbara gave him her pocket calculator.  He was not happy with that either. Can't win sometimes.  Anyway we had so many spontaneous hugs and there were so many smiles, it made it easier to say goodbye.
The two head girls have become very close to us, particularly to Barbara and there were tears.  Some of the older boys, who have had extensive use of my iPad for Angry Birds games, thanked me and wished me a Happy Mothers' Day.  You would think it might upset or depress them but no, they were pleased just to celebrate their family of other children and didis.  We gave our umbrellas, pakamacs, parasols and toiletries to the didis and they were pleased too.  Lots of exchanging of email addresses and promises to keep in touch.
I had to draw out some more cash as I am running out.  They do have ATMs in places but they don't work in exactly the same way.  If you want to draw out more than a certain sum you have to put your card in, pull it out then reinsert it.  Then you can key in any amount but you mustn't press the "fast cash" button, no you must press the "withdraw" button.  A kindly guard showed me what to do as I was getting a bit flustered with people queuing up behind me.  In my rush I ended up putting in an extra nought so I have now withdrawn several hundred pounds worth of n rupees in error.  I am hoping I can change it back at the hotel as you can't take them out of the country.  In any case nobody deals in them in the UK. Maybe I will treat myself.
So we now have 3 days to ourselves.  Sunbathing?  Probably not, too hot or raining.  Sightseeing, think we have done the major sites.  Shopping, got souvenirs and pressies.  So it looks like just chillin'.  We saw a nice looking wine bar once when we were lost, but we can't find it now.  Perhaps we will visit one of the night club / bars with local karaoke - that should be a hoot.